
NMR Oil Content Analyzer

Measuring the oil content of seeds is important for two reasons: firstly, for non-destructive measurement of single seeds, to select high oil content specimens for propagation, secondly, for bulk measurement of oil content for trading or processing.

What is NMR is used for?

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry (NMR), is used for determining oil, protein and moisture content in seeds of various oil crops. The instrument is calibrated for several oil crops including soybean, camelina, canola, meadowfoam, and euphorbia, and can be calibrated for other species as needed. Tests can be performed in whole seeds or meals.

The need for NMR

With the diversification of crops in Oregon and the search for crops to be used for biodiesel production, the need to determine the oil content of such crops has emerged. In addition, the meal in some oil seeds such as soybean is used for feed after extracting the oil and it is useful to determine the protein content in the meal as well as in the seeds. Both the USDA and Canadian Grain Commission use NMR analyzer in determining oil seed content in oil crops.
In the past, researchers have had to send their oil seeds out of the state for oil and protein analysis. The Niumag’s recent acquisition of a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer means this service is now available in-state. This provides an advantage to Northwest researchers and commercial producers both in testing turnaround and in the availability of the equipment and service for conducting customized research.

The principle of the test

The oil content test estimates the amount of oil that can be extracted from seeds using an industrial extraction method. Direct pressing extracts 90-92%, whereas solvent extraction remove 97-99% of oils contained in seeds.
The benchtop NMR technique measures the resonance energy absorbed by hydrogen atoms in the sample. Usually oil contents are expressed based on a specific moisture basis (e.g., 8.5%, 10%, etc.).

Sample size and test period

Sample size is 5-10 grams for all analyses (not for each test), i.e., for oil, protein and moisture. We can calibrate the NMR for a smaller amount of seeds (i.e., 1-2 grams), if needed. It takes 24 hours to complete the test from the time of receiving the sample. The NMR is a non-destructive method, so seeds can be returned if needed. Please enclose the sample in a moisture-proof bag.


Why Only Two Relaxation Times

The relaxation times T1 and T2 were described phenomenologically by Felix Bloch at al representing changes in the net magnetization (M) after RF-stimulation. T1 reflects changes along the direction (z-) of the main magnetic field; T2 reflects transverse (xy-) behavior. There are only two relaxation times because the directions “longitudinal” and “transverse” seem to encompass the cardinal directions in three-dimensional space. The transverse (x- and y-) directions are generally arbitrary and indistinguishable so only a single T2 value is usually applied.
However, some tissues and materials have T2 anisotropy, meaning their observed T2 values differ depending on orientation, so I suppose you could say there are more than one transverse relaxation time for these substances, but they are still called T2’s.
Additionally, in the rotating frame another type of relaxation time is frequency distinguished, T1ρ (“T1-rho”). This relaxation time is somewhat of a hybrid between T1 and T2 that can be measured in when a spin-locking pulse is applied to a system. See our paper from 1996 for further explanation:
Ulmer JL, Mathews VP, Hamilton CA, Elster AD, Moran PR. Magnetization transfer or spin-lock? An investigation of off-resonance saturation pulse imaging with varying frequency offsets. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 1996.
I have never heard of the “duality” explanation above; it is not correct at all and should be abandoned/discouraged.
PQ001 MRI Contrast Agent Analyzer
Product Description:
The PQ001 NMR Analyzer was launched in 2008. After years of upgrading, PQ001 has many advantages such as small size, high precision, good repeatability, good stability and excellent cost/benefit performance. Based on these advantages, PQ001 has been widely used in MRI Contrast Agent Researches.

Basic Parameters:
  • Magnet: permanent magnet
  • Magnetic field intensity:0.5±0.08T
  • Probe: Ø15mm
  • Size (L x W x H): 1685mm×520mm×386mm
  • Weight: 134Kg

  • Relaxation analysis of T2*,T2 and T1

T1 and T2 effects

To the right are images of a brain tumor with intrinsically long T1 and T2 values having opposite intensities on T1- and T2-weighted images. To understand this “paradox”, you must realize that a pixel’s “brightness” or “darkness” on an MR image is directly related to the magnitude of the detected MR signal. The magnitude of the MR signal after an RF-pulse is in turn, dependent on two factors:

  1. The size of Mz, the z-component of tissue magnetization (M) before the RF-pulse.
  2. The size of Mxy, the transverse components of M after the RF-pulse (when the signal is recorded).
T1 reflects the length of time it takes for regrowth of Mz back toward its initial maximum value (Mo). Tissues with short T1’s recover more quickly than those with long T1’s. Their Mz values are larger, producing a stronger signal and brighter spot on the MR image.
T2 reflects the length of time it takes for the MR signal to decay in the transverse plane. A short T2 means that the signal decays very rapidly. So substances with short T2’s have smaller signals and appear darker than substances with longer T2 values.
MiniEDU20 MRI system is Niumag’s original product, first used as an integral part of other products. After nearly 10 years of enhancements, its design and functionality are comprehensive and mature. MiniEDU20 can be used by physics lecturers to demonstrate NMR experiments and imaging professionals to teach courses, so that multiple students gain experience in using MR technology without needing to operate expensive instruments.

Basic parameters:
1.Magnet type: permanent magnet
2.Magnetic field intensity: 0.5±0.08T
3.Probe coil: Ø10mm
4.Weight: 49.8Kg


  1. NMR/MRI basic theory (Physics)
  2. MRI system (Electronic information engineering)
  3. NMR/MRI theoretic experiments
  4. MR Imaging technical experiments