

The tests check the basic functionality of the magnet and RF components of the NMR instrument and allow the system to be brought up to the optimum operating conditions for on-line operation
Test Bench
  • System under Test, i.e. complete assembly of NEMA enclosed NMR system with the appropriate ‘Process probe’ installed inside the Magnet and connected to the sample system  pipes.
  • All units connected after insuring that all the internal boards (in the PC and the Shim box) are plugged in well and software is installed properly.
  • Remote computer configured to run the NMR analyzer as a client of the NMR system under test.
Initial Steps
  •     Check wiring and power – trace wiring per schematics.
  •      Power up system – electric and air.
  •      Check power distribution to system – Barber-Coleman temperature control setup (including alarm relay), LED’s on all the NMR components and fans on all components.
  •      Check system safety features – purge system, gas detector (requires butane gas source), and alarms.
  •      Check that all system documentation is present and that serial numbers of all components (NMR and enclosure) are correct.
  •      Attach sample system (1/4” loop with peristaltic).
  •      Check A/C and heaters on enclosure. Make sure that the left A/C is configured to run non-stop.
  •      Allow system to equilibrate for 24 hours – running ‘Heater diagnostics’ as system settles.
  •      Determine that system is stable and ready for steady state operation.
  •      Insert water into the probe through the sample system pipes.
System Software and Configuration
2) NMR System Computer Settings:
Users and Password – Make sure that the same user is logged on the System Computer and the Remote Computer.
dcomcnfg setup
Run dcomcnfg (Start->run->dcomcnfg)
Find the name “NMRServer” in the applications’ list.
In the properties menu verify that the Program location is on this computer, and the identity is set to “Interactive User”
PcAnyWhere configuration under NT– Make sure that the Computer is set as Network NetBios host, with the right Username and Password. Verify that PcAnyWhere is set to run automatically as an NT Service. Reboot the computer and check if it is running automatically.
NMR software components – Run each of the following software and verify that it functions properly:
  • Shim Test – Verify that the Shim box is connected to COM5. Run ShimBoxTest read data from all coils, run quick test, accurate test and address test.
  • Heater Test – Verify that the Heater is connected to COM1. Run Heater diagnostic Program and make sure you can read data from the heater.
  • Diagnostic – Run the Diagnostic program with Magnet test configuration and verify that it is running properly.
  • Lab NMR – Run the Lab NMR program and check the lock, the shimming routines.
  • Process NMR – Run the Process NMR program and verify that the ‘Software plug’ is installed and detected by the software.
Serial COM setting and communication –
Modem – Connect a phone cable, set pcAnywhere to run temporarily as a modem host, and dial from another computer. After communication is established, disconnect and set pcAnywhere back as a network host.
FieldPoint – Verify that the Power Supply is connected to COM6. Make sure that in the SampleControl.INI the device is set to FieldPoint. RunLabNMR, add valves commands to the ‘Event Table’, and make sure that every valve can be operated from the software.
Modbus – Verify that the Power Supply is connected to COM7. Make sure in ProcessNMR.INI that the DCS type is set to Modbus. RunProcessNMR. From the Modbus Configuration Dialog Box – Write data to the PLC and read it back to verify it was written OK.
3) Remote computer Settings:
Users and Password – Make sure that the same user is logged on the System Computer and the Remote Computer.
dcomcnfg setup
Run dcomcnfg (Start->run->dcomcnfg)
Find the name “NMRServer” in the Applications’ list.
In the properties menu verify that the Program Location is On this computer, and the identity is set to “Interactive User”
PcAnyWhere configuration – Make sure that the Computer is set as a modem host, with the right User Name and Password. Verify that PcAnyWhere is set to run automatically as an NT Service. Reboot the computer and check if it is running automatically.
NMR software components – Run each of the following software and verify that it function properly:
  • Shim Test – Run ShimBoxTest read data from all coils, run quick test, accurate test and address test.
  •   Heater Test – Run Heater diagnostic Program and make sure you can read data from the heater.
  •   Diagnostic – Run the Diagnostic program with Magnet test configuration and verify that it is running properly.
  •   Lab NMR – Run the Lab NMR program and check the lock, the shimming routines.
  •   Process NMR – Run the Process NMR program and verify that the Software plug is installed and detected by the software.
Serial COM setting and communication –
Modem – Connect a phone cable, set PcAnyWhere to run as a modem host, and dial from another computer
Modbus – Verify that the Modicon PLC to COM 2. Make sure in ProcessNMR.INI that the DCS type is set to Modbus. Run ProcessNMR.
From the Modbus Configuration Dialog Box – Write data to the PLC and read it back to verify it was written OK.

