
Simplified Theory, Applications and Examples for Organic Chemistry and Structural Biology

I've always found NMR to be extremely difficult but when I got this book, it really helped me to understand how to read and analyze NMR spectra. I also had the great honor of having the author of this book as my professor recently and the guy really knows his stuff and is great at conveying his knowledge. So if you never understood NMR or don't really understand it that much, or just want a great book about NMR, this is the book for you and you can trust in the fact that the author knows his stuff. I know this book is costly, but trust me you won't regret it at all!

This book along with "Structure Determination of Organic Compounds" by Pretsch, Buhlmann, and Affolter and maybe "200 and More NMR experiments" by Berger and Braun are currently the only NMR books worth owning. Skip the rest.

Initially I wanted to write a review for this book after I finish the whole book. However, since the publication of this book, I have noticed that nobody has ever written a review. I have only finished approximately 400 pages but I want to let people to know that this is clearest exposition on modern nmr spectroscopy I have ever come across. I have read a number of nmr books. These include the following

J.D. Roberts "ABC of FT NMR"
T. Claridge "High Resolution NMR spectroscopy in organic chemistry"
J. Sanders " Modern NMR spectroscopy"
H. Friebolin "Basic One- and Two-Dimenionsal NMR"

None of the above is as good as this book. The one that comes close to this is Friebolin's book. However, it is not as detail and does not cover topics such as operator formalism and density matrix. This book also covers the basic theoretical principles and presented in a very lucid way. I enjoy reading this book tremendously.

Dec 14, 2009. It has been almost 2 years since I wrote the initial review. Since then, I have the opportunity to read the whole book a second time. My opinion of this book remains the same. If you really want to understand NMR, you cannot go wrong with this book.

I've been working with NMR analyzer for over 11 years and over the years have acquired numerous books on the subject. This book is hands down the best on the subject. The author clearly explains everything, where other books throw up a graph/spectrum/equation and expect you to figure it out magically at times. Areas I've been confused on for years suddenly all make sense.

