
Planning and Positioning in MRI

This is a gem of a book that I refer to often for positioning of those rarely done or difficult to position exams. This book is nearly complete from head to toe in MRI positioning and is easy to read with great photos showing slice selections. It includes pituitary, orbits, cranial nerves, TMJ's, brachial plexus, elbow/FABS view, pancreas, fetal, pelvic arteries, femur/quads/hamstring, foot and other more and less common exams. Each chapter begins with an anatomy drawing with labels to the important/obscure parts. 

Positioning in MRI is a clinical manual about the creation of magnetic resonance images. This manual focuses upon patient positioning and image planning.

The manual is organised by body region and provides valuable insight into -

Patient pathology on MRI contrast agent.
Considerations when positioning both the patient and coil.
Imaging planes.
Anatomical image alignment.
This manual is a comprehensive highly visual reference to the planning and positioning of patients and coils in MR imaging. High quality imaging specific to patient pathology is encouraged through the focus on ‘considerations’ specific to coil and patient placement and imaging plane selection.

Over 200 small animals MRI images
Formulaic internal design assist use as clinical manual to MRI planning
Evidence base provided where appropriate (cranial neurology)
Image selection – assist learning principles that underpin good positioning and anatomical coverage
Explores positioning of patient and coils specific to individual treatment requirements
Evolve website – image collection (over 200 MR images) and additional case studies

Every section in the chapter clearly states what the different series demonstrate in the anatomy which I find very helpful when a patients diagnosis is already known and certain sequences can provide greater detail for the radiologist. Using this reference has helped build my confidence and made me look really smart to my peers too. 

