
Solid-State NMR and Polymers

Solid-state benchtop NMR now favorably competes with well-established techniques, such as light, x-ray, or neutron scattering, electron microscopy, and dielectric and mechanical relaxation.
The application of multidimensional solid-state NMR analyzer inevitably involves use of concepts from different fields of science. This book also provides the first comprehensive treatment of both the new experimental techniques and the theoretical concepts needed in more complex data analysis.
NMR spectroscopy is the most valuable and versatile analytical tool in chemistry. While excellent monographs exist on high-resolution NMR in liquids and solids, this is the first book to address multidimensional solid-state NMR.
 Multidimensional techniques enable researchers to obtain detailed information about the structure, dynamics, orientation, and phase separation of solids, which provides the basis of a better understanding of materials properties on the molecular level.Dramatic progress-much of it pioneered by the authors-has been achieved in this area, especially in synthetic polymers.
The text addresses spectroscopists and polymer scientists by treating the subject on different levels; descriptive, technical, and mathematical approaches are used when appropriate. It presents an overview of new developments with numerous experimental examples and illustrations, which will appeal to readers interested in both the information content as well as the potential of solid-state NMR.
The book also contains many previously unpublished details that will be appreciated by those who want to perform the experiments. The techniques described are applicable not only to the study of synthetic polymers but to numerous problems in solid-state physics, chemistry, materials science, and biophysics.
Key Features
* Presents original theories and new perspectives on scattering techniques
* Provides a systematic treatment of the whole subject
* Gives readers access to previously unpublished material
* Includes extensive illustrations
One of the best books on solid-state NMR currently published. The authors present a thorough overview of theory of solids NMR with the focus on applications in polymer science. Would be one of my first choices for a graduate level textbook in solid-state NMR. Targeted at an intermediate reader familiar with the basic concepts of NMR. Highly recommended
Definitely a very comprehensive textbook which treats many relevant and modern advances in the field. A must-have for every researcher in solid state NMR. Downside is that the book is written in the style of a reference book, and not really good as teaching material. But overall I give it 4 stars. Michael Mehring’s book on solid state nmr is still the best teaching manual to learn the theory.

