
NMR Crosslink Density Analyzer

Combined with the sample temperature control system, VTMR20-010V-T NMR analyzer can control the environmental temperature to research change in physical properties of samples over a wide range of temperatures and rates of change. It can be used for food, energy, organic materials and other areas of research.


1. Rapid cross-link density determination of rubbers and other polymers;
2. Relaxation analysis of T2*,T2 and T1;
3. Determination of glass transition temperature;
4. Quantitative analysis of water phase with varying -temperature.

NMR Application Indexes

1. Minimum detection limit: 10 mg of water;
2. Test range of moisture: 0.88 % – 100 %;
3. The sample temperature range: 35 0C – 150 0C(standard)/ 35 0C – 2000C (advanced), with precision ± 0.3 0C;
4. The correlation coefficient of crosslink density between benchtop NMR method and swelling method > 0.99;
5. Repeatability: RSD < 2%, reliability: RSD < 10 %. RSD: relative standard deviation
Application Direction
Determination of cross-link density of polymers (especially rubbers);
Quality control and assurance in plolymer production;
Quality inspection in polymer aging process;
Study in rubber vulcanization process and optimization of production conditions;
Research on molecular mobility of solids, semi-rigid polymers, gels, emulsions and liquids;
Imaging and determining the moisture in solid matrix;
Detection of viscosity, state and process during the epoxy resin and rubber vulcanizing;
Investigation in adhesion and activity of water of the samples;
Determination of plasticizer or rubber content of the polymers;
Determination of rubber content of the copolymer or blends;
Determination of relative content of copolymers;
Determination of solid content in rubber latex;
Research on critical water and hydration;
Rheological research on viscosity, density and the stability of materials .

Application Examples


