
VTMR TD-NMR Cross-linking Density MRI System Analyzer for Polymer

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is widely used as a non-invasive means of obtaining clinical images and studying tissue metabolism in vivo. In this revised and updated edition, the principles of NMR are introduced, with descriptions of the ways in which NMR can be used to study living systems, and the scope and limitations of each technique. Chapters in the book illustrate applications of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and imaging (MRI), and provide more theoretical and technical descriptions of benchtop NMR. While the focus is on applications in human physiological and biochemical studies, the book also discusses the ways in which basic NMR analyzer research studies can complement and aid interpretation of clinical findings. Written at an accessible level for newcomers to NMR, this book is a good introduction for students, biomedical researchers, and radiologists.
A useful introduction for biological and biomedical researchers, many of whom have reported finding the first edition both informative and stimulating. The presentation is helped by many colorful illustrations and diagrams.”–Journal of the American Chemical Society
This would make a good introductory text for medical and biochemically related professions. — NMR Newsletter
A tremendous amount of material has been included in this volume by careful organization. . .The author definitely has a knack for clear and simple, but rigorous, explanations, and he has paid great attention to detail. The volume is to be highly recommended.–Journal of Magnetic Resonance
VTMR TD-NMR Cross-linking Density MRI System Analyzer for Polymer
Product Description
Combined with the sample temperature control system, VTMR20-010V-T can control the environmental temperature to research change in physical properties of samples over a wide range of temperatures and rates of change. It can be used for food, energy, organic materials and other areas of research.

Basic Parameters:
  • Magnet type: permanent magnet
  • Magnetic field intensity: 0.5±0.08T
  • Probe coil: Ø10mm
  • Sample temperature range: 35-150℃
  • .Size (L x W x H): 1400mm×670mm×1070mm
  • Weight: 330Kg

-Determination of crosslink density of rubber and other polymers (Physical crosslinking , chemical crosslinking)
-Quality control of Polymer products
-Quality inspection of Polymer aging process
-Rubber vulcanization process and
Formulation research
-Determination of moisture content and moisture distribution in the solid matrix
-Curing and aging process characterization for Thermosetting resin
-Determination of the activation energy for Thermosetting resin
-Environmental response material transformation process of hydrophilic and hydrophobic
-Composites multiphase system compatibility
-Crystallization kinetics -Block copolymer hard / soft segment Content molecular motion study
-Determination for fluorine content
-Determination for rubber content and plasticizer in the polymer
-Rubber micro fractures, 2D crosslinking density uniformity

