
PQ001 Spin Finish NMR Analyzer for Textile Fiber

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), as an effective non-destructive inspection analysis technology, has been widely used in many fields, such as biomedical, chemical industry, petroleum energy and materials science.
Since the first time the NMR signal was discovered in 1945, more than ten scientists have won the Nobel Prize because of their great contributions to NMR development. NMR is now one of the most advanced technologies in the world which have extensive development prospects.
About 25 years ago, NMR was first used to study molecular structure and dynamics of cross-linked polymers. Based on De Genne and Kimmich’s fundamental theoretical and experimental research, Gronski and others did further research on crosslink density and the network structure of rubber. All of their research proved the consistency of the results given by the NMR method and the traditional methods such as swelling and mechanical test method.
With the addition of commercial applications with NMR microscopy and the development of parameter-selection imaging and image analytical technique, both detailed spatial information of morphological structures and image analysis reflecting material properties as molecular dynamics, crosslink density, aging, swelling, etc., all these can be given by NMR. MicroMR-CL was developed for polymer studies. It has been widely used in a local domestic research institutes, and it has made excellent contributions to the polymer industry.
PQ001 Spin Finish NMR Analyzer for Oil Content Examination of Textile Fiber
Product Description
PQ001 NMR Analyzer was launched in 2008. After years of upgrading, PQ001 has many advantages such as small size, high precision, good repeatability, good stability and excellent cost/benefit characteristics. Based on these advantages, PQ001 has been widely used in the determination of oil content of textile fiber.

Basic Parameters:
  • Magnet type: permanent magnet
  • Magnetic field intensity: 0.5±0.08T
  • Probe: Ø25mm
  • Size (LxWxH): 1685mm×520mm×386mm
  • Weight: 134Kg

  • Rapid determination of Spin Finish content of textile fiber

