
What is a Free Induction Decay?

In magnetic resonance, free induction decay (or FID) is the temporal profile of induction of sample placed in the magnetic field in the absence of external radio-frequency (in NMR or microwave frequency in EPR) irradiation after some irradiation has been applied and then interrupted.
Also, spectrocopists often refer to FID as a recording of the actual FID signal sampled in time. FID is almost never sampled directly as larmor precession frequecies of nuclear and electron are too high to be sampled that way.
Oscillations in the recorded FID’s occur at frequencies equal the difference between the larmor frequency and the radio- (or microwave) frequencies of the applied pulses.
In their famous NMR analyzer experiments of 1946, Bloch, Purcell, and colleagues employed a continuous wave (CW) technique using a fixed frequency RF field (B1) while the main magnetic field (Bo) was swept through resonance. They observed transient fluctuations in coil voltage referred to as “resonance absorption” by Purcell and the “nuclear induction signal” by Bloch.
Two years later, Bloembergen, Purcell, and Pound noted that immediately after the system had passed through resonance, small oscillations appeared on either side of the main absorption tracing that were named the “wiggles”.
About the same time, Erwin Hahn, a graduate student at the University of Illinois at Urbana, was investigating pulsed NMR techniques. In pulsed methods the main magnetic field is held constant while an RF-field at the Larmor frequency is pulsed on and off. Immediately after the RF pulse Hahn observed a transient oscillation he recognized was equivalent to Bloembergen’s “wiggles”. Hahn called this signal the “nuclear induction decay” or “free induction,” which today is commonly referred to as the free induction decay (FID).
As described in a previous Q&A the nuclear induction signal arises as the net magnetization (M) vector precesses around the z-axis (the direction of Bo). The transverse components of M generate a current in the receiver coil based on the Faraday-Lenz Law of electromagnetism. The signal is a sine wave oscillating at the Larmor frequency (ωo).
Free induction decay (FID)
The NMR signal, however, does not persist forever. The initially coherent transverse components of M dephase as a result of both magnetic field inhomogeneities and intrinsic T2 mechanisms, incorporated in the concept of T2*-decay. The resulting signal is the FID, a damped sine wave of the following form

[sin ωot ] e-t/T2*
Although it is convenient to think about an FID arising from the action of a 90° pulse, an FID will be created by an RF pulse of any flip angle because some component of longitudinal magnetization is always tipped into the transverse plane. (The only theoretical exception to this rule might be a 180° pulse, which in principle should only invert the longitudinal magnetization and not generate any transverse components. In practice, however, all 180° pulses are imperfect, and therefore always produce FID signals.)
The FID is just one of four basic types of NMR signals produced in different ways.


NMR Crosslink Density Analyzer

Combined with the sample temperature control system, VTMR20-010V-T NMR analyzer can control the environmental temperature to research change in physical properties of samples over a wide range of temperatures and rates of change. It can be used for food, energy, organic materials and other areas of research.


1. Rapid cross-link density determination of rubbers and other polymers;
2. Relaxation analysis of T2*,T2 and T1;
3. Determination of glass transition temperature;
4. Quantitative analysis of water phase with varying -temperature.

NMR Application Indexes

1. Minimum detection limit: 10 mg of water;
2. Test range of moisture: 0.88 % – 100 %;
3. The sample temperature range: 35 0C – 150 0C(standard)/ 35 0C – 2000C (advanced), with precision ± 0.3 0C;
4. The correlation coefficient of crosslink density between benchtop NMR method and swelling method > 0.99;
5. Repeatability: RSD < 2%, reliability: RSD < 10 %. RSD: relative standard deviation
Application Direction
Determination of cross-link density of polymers (especially rubbers);
Quality control and assurance in plolymer production;
Quality inspection in polymer aging process;
Study in rubber vulcanization process and optimization of production conditions;
Research on molecular mobility of solids, semi-rigid polymers, gels, emulsions and liquids;
Imaging and determining the moisture in solid matrix;
Detection of viscosity, state and process during the epoxy resin and rubber vulcanizing;
Investigation in adhesion and activity of water of the samples;
Determination of plasticizer or rubber content of the polymers;
Determination of rubber content of the copolymer or blends;
Determination of relative content of copolymers;
Determination of solid content in rubber latex;
Research on critical water and hydration;
Rheological research on viscosity, density and the stability of materials .

Application Examples



NMR Solid Fat Content Analyzer

The determination of solid fat content (SFC) by NMR analysis is recognized by the international standards. Niumag has been dedicated to research and develop NMR PQ001 SFC Analyzer which offers the determination of SFC values and presentation of the melting curve with non-destructive, fast and accurate measurements.
Solid Fat Content (SFC) is generally accepted analysis of fats and oils in the food industry. The traditional extraction methods for SFC determination are slow, irreproducible and require additional chemicals. Direct measurements of SFC by NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) provides quick and accurate determination of SFC value. NMR as method of fats and oils analysis is included in the following international standards:
  • AOCS Cd 16b-93 revised in 2000 (in USA)
  • ISO 8292 (in Europe)
Solid Fat Content determination by benchtop NMR is based on direct ratio measuring between the solid and liquid parts of the sample.

The PQ001 SFC NMR Analyzer was launched in 2008. After years of upgrading, PQ001 has many advantages such as small size, high precision, good repeatability, good stability and excellent cost/benefit performance. Based on these advantages, PQ001 has been widely used in the determination of Solid Fat Content.

Basic Parameters:
  • Magnet: permanent magnet
  • Magnetic field intensity: 0.5±0.08T
  • Probe: Ø10mm
  • Size (L x W x H): 1685mm×520mm×386mm;
  • Weight: 134Kg;

  • Determination of solid fat content(Cocoa butter, Margarine and butter etc.)


PQ001 Spin Finish NMR Analyzer for Textile Fiber

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), as an effective non-destructive inspection analysis technology, has been widely used in many fields, such as biomedical, chemical industry, petroleum energy and materials science.
Since the first time the NMR signal was discovered in 1945, more than ten scientists have won the Nobel Prize because of their great contributions to NMR development. NMR is now one of the most advanced technologies in the world which have extensive development prospects.
About 25 years ago, NMR was first used to study molecular structure and dynamics of cross-linked polymers. Based on De Genne and Kimmich’s fundamental theoretical and experimental research, Gronski and others did further research on crosslink density and the network structure of rubber. All of their research proved the consistency of the results given by the NMR method and the traditional methods such as swelling and mechanical test method.
With the addition of commercial applications with NMR microscopy and the development of parameter-selection imaging and image analytical technique, both detailed spatial information of morphological structures and image analysis reflecting material properties as molecular dynamics, crosslink density, aging, swelling, etc., all these can be given by NMR. MicroMR-CL was developed for polymer studies. It has been widely used in a local domestic research institutes, and it has made excellent contributions to the polymer industry.
PQ001 Spin Finish NMR Analyzer for Oil Content Examination of Textile Fiber
Product Description
PQ001 NMR Analyzer was launched in 2008. After years of upgrading, PQ001 has many advantages such as small size, high precision, good repeatability, good stability and excellent cost/benefit characteristics. Based on these advantages, PQ001 has been widely used in the determination of oil content of textile fiber.

Basic Parameters:
  • Magnet type: permanent magnet
  • Magnetic field intensity: 0.5±0.08T
  • Probe: Ø25mm
  • Size (LxWxH): 1685mm×520mm×386mm
  • Weight: 134Kg

  • Rapid determination of Spin Finish content of textile fiber


Rock Core NMR Analyzer

It is a well known fact that nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is commonly used in well logging measurements and for routine laboratory core analysis. However, many are not aware of the principle behind NMR and its advantages for the core analyst. It is commonly used to determine porosity and pore size distributions but it is important to note that NMR can also measure fluid mobility parameters such as bound volume irreducible (BVI), free fluid index (FFI), clay bound water (CBW) and effective porosity.
NMR can also easily and effectively measure permeability, capillary pressure, and oil/water and gas/water contents. These parameters are measured with high level of precision using comprehensive software, which is user-friendly and can be easily operated by a novice in NMR. The technical details given below are aimed at introducing NMR to the petrophysicist and core analyst who are not very familiar with NMR.
When a sample is placed in a magnetic field and activated with a quick pulse of radio frequency (RF), NMR signals are generated from liquids such as brine or oil. An NMR signal is formed instantaneously after the pulse, which then dies away with a characteristic decay rate or relaxation time known as T2. The signal amplitude immediately after the pulse indicates the total amount of fluid present. T2 of the signal provides important information about the physical environment of the liquids.
In pores filled with a single fluid, there are two key components to the NMR signal, one signal is generated from the fluid far from the pore walls and another close to the pore walls. The nature of NMR signals in fluids far from the pore walls is similar to those from bulk fluids having comparatively long relaxation times, whereas fluids close to the pore walls undergo a process of adsorption and desorption with the pore walls which has the effect of drastically reducing their NMR relaxation times.
In large pores, the dominant effect is from the bulk fluids, so larger pores have longer NMR relaxation times. In smaller pores, the surface-to-volume ratio is much higher, hence the fluids near the pore wall dominate the NMR signal, and smaller pores display overall shorter NMR relaxation times. This process is illustrated in the figures below.
Of course, practically it may not feasible to take NMR measurements from individual pores. The entire core must be measured at once, hence the resulting NMR signal is a composite of all the NMR signals from the different pore sizes in the core.
MicroMR 2MHz 5MHz Core NMR Analyzer Benchtop NMR System
Product Description
The MicroMR series: 2MHz, 5MHz NMR analyzer is well designed to test samples with different characteristics and provides you with the most professional and best match analytical solutions. After years of concentrated study, the two MicroMR products (2MHz, 5MHz ) now can be provided with optional upgrades to multi-dimensional NMR analyzer with diffusion functions. MicroMR series is the world’s advanced level benchtop NMR analyzer using a compact body design. It is an advanced level benchtop NMR analyzer that can be used in petroleum exploration researches. The MicroMR series has the following advantages: high accuracy, good repeatability, instrument performance, high cost-effective, objective and true measurement results.

Basic Parameters:
1. Magnet: permanent magnet 0.055±0.01T(2MHz), 0.12±0.02T(5MHz)
2. Probe: Ø25.4mm
3. Size (L, W, H): 1685mm×520mm×386mm
4. Weight: 85Kg(Magnet box 25Kg, Spectrometer 25Kg, RF unit 35Kg )

  • 1-inch diameter probe coil is specially designed for 1-inch diameter rock, also suitable for rock cuttings
  • Low operation frequency; pulse mode
  • All-digital spectrometer
  • NMR scanning and analyzing software developed independently according to industry standards
  • Customized pulse sequence package
  • Exportable raw signal data facilitates data post-processing
  • Convenient for export of raw data to Excel
  • Automatic and manual calibration of operating frequency
  • Automatic and manual calibration of pulse length (90 and 180 pulse)
  • Professional ICC(Industrial Control Computer) ensures high stability and fast processing speed
  • Compact structure and attractive appearance


Understanding 1D and 2D NMR Spectra of Organic Compounds and Natural Products

Through numerous examples, the principles of the relationship between chemical structure and the NMR spectrum are developed in a logical, step-by-step fashion
Includes examples and exercises based on real benchtop NMR data including full 600 MHz one- and two-dimensional datasets of sugars, peptides, steroids and natural products
Includes detailed solutions and explanations in the text for the numerous examples and problems and also provides large, very detailed and annotated sets of NMR data for use in understanding the material
Describes both simple aspects of solution-state NMR of small molecules as well as more complex topics not usually covered in NMR books such as complex splitting patterns, weak long-range couplings, spreadsheet analysis of strong coupling patterns and resonance structure analysis for prediction of chemical shifts
Advanced topics include all of the common two-dimensional experiments (COSY, ROESY, NOESY, TOCSY, HSQC, HMBC) covered strictly from the point of view of data interpretation, along with tips for parameter settings
High-pressure Displacement MRI System for Rock & Core Analysis
Product Description
MesoMR is a powerful Imaging and Analyzing System equipped with many hardware modules independently-developed by NIUMAG, such as a Low Temperature-High Pressure System (LTHP) and High Temperature-High Pressure System (HTHP), this makes MesoMR suitable for research under various temperatures and pressure conditions, covering a wide range applications from food and agriculture, life science, polymer materials to geological research and energy exploration. MesoMR is the transformer for MRI System, offering multiple choices for directions of sample introduction, temperature control, pressure control and probe size, can be applied to various temperatures and pressure conditions studies.

1. Exploration and development of low permeability oil field
  • Movable fluid saturation determination
  • Pore size distribution of rock
  • Mechanism of oil displacement
  • Cracks and micro-cracks evaluation
  • Mechanism of fracturing process
2. Exploration and development of Gas field
  • The influence of overburden pressure on porosity and permeability
  • Pore size distribution of rock
  • Mechanism of water flooding
  • Gas field caverns, cracks and micro-cracks evaluation
  • Studies on modification mechanism
  • Free/irreducible fluid saturation
3. Exploration and development of CBM(Coal Bed Methane)
  • Porosity Model:MesoMR NMR Application:Rock & Core Analysis
  • Pore size distribution
  • Fracture development
  • Water saturation determination


MRI Contrast Agents: From Molecules to Particles (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

This book describes the multiple aspects of (i) preparation of the magnetic core, (ii) the stabilization with different coatings, (iii) the physico-chemical characterization and (iv) the vectorization to obtain specific nanosystems. Several bio-applications are also presented in this book. In the early days of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), paramagnetic ions were proposed as contrast agents to enhance the diagnostic quality of MR images. Since then, academic and industrial efforts have been devoted to the development of new and more efficient molecular, supramolecular and nanoparticular systems. Old concepts and theories, like paramagnetic relaxation, were revisited and exploited, leading to new scientific tracks. With their high relaxivity payload, the superparamagnetic nanoparticles are very appealing in the context of molecular imaging but challenges are still numerous: absence of toxicity, specificity, ability to cross the biological barriers, etc.
Dr. Sophie Laurent was born in 1967. Her studies were performed at the University of Mons-Hainaut (Belgium) where she received her PhD in Chemistry in 1993. She joined then Prof R.N. Muller’s team and was involved in the development (synthesis and physicochemical characterization) of paramagnetic Gd complexes and superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as contrast agents for MRI. She is currently working on the vectorization of contrast agents for molecular imaging. She is associate professor and co-author around 170 publications and more than 250 communications in international meetings.
Dr. Dimitri Stanicki did his graduate work at the University of Mons (Ph.D. degree in 2010), where he achieved the synthesis of organic compounds for the treatment of parasitic diseases. In 2011, he joined R. Muller’s research group (MRI) where he started to develop new nanosystems for molecular imaging applications. He is the co-author of approximatively 10 publications, including a patent and a chapter book in the field of superparamagnetic contrast agents.
Dr. Robert N. Muller, PhD in chemistry 1974 from the University of Mons-Hainaut where he was successively appointed Assistant, Lecturer and full Professor. Post-doctoral studies in Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Paul C. Lauterbur’s (2003 Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology) research group (MRI) at the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1981-82 and sabbatical leave at the Center for Magnetic Resonance (CERM), Florence, Italy, in 2002-2003. He produced around 280 publications and 6 books. Currently Scientific Director of the Center for Microscopy and Molecular Imaging, Gosselies, Belgium.
NMI20 MRI Contrast Agent Imager & Analyzer is a classic MRI instrument,which has a wide range of applications in life sciences research.it integrates industrial design, analysis, and imaging in one easy to use instrument. Its performance and quality are generally recognized by domestic and foreign expert users. The system has received a numb…
The PQ001 MRI Contrast Agent Analyzer was launched in 2008. After years of upgrade, PQ001 has many advantages such as small size, high precision, good repeatability, good stability and excellent cost/benefit performance. PQ001 has been widely used in MRI Contrast Agent Research
Tel: 0086-512-62393560
Mobile: 0086-15618809683
Fax: 021-52650391
Skype: niumagnmr
Address: Floor 1-2, Building 2, Suzhou Software Technology Park, No,78, Keling Rd
Site: http://www.nmranalyzer.com/


VTMR TD-NMR Cross-linking Density MRI System Analyzer for Polymer

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is widely used as a non-invasive means of obtaining clinical images and studying tissue metabolism in vivo. In this revised and updated edition, the principles of NMR are introduced, with descriptions of the ways in which NMR can be used to study living systems, and the scope and limitations of each technique. Chapters in the book illustrate applications of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and imaging (MRI), and provide more theoretical and technical descriptions of benchtop NMR. While the focus is on applications in human physiological and biochemical studies, the book also discusses the ways in which basic NMR analyzer research studies can complement and aid interpretation of clinical findings. Written at an accessible level for newcomers to NMR, this book is a good introduction for students, biomedical researchers, and radiologists.
A useful introduction for biological and biomedical researchers, many of whom have reported finding the first edition both informative and stimulating. The presentation is helped by many colorful illustrations and diagrams.”–Journal of the American Chemical Society
This would make a good introductory text for medical and biochemically related professions. — NMR Newsletter
A tremendous amount of material has been included in this volume by careful organization. . .The author definitely has a knack for clear and simple, but rigorous, explanations, and he has paid great attention to detail. The volume is to be highly recommended.–Journal of Magnetic Resonance
VTMR TD-NMR Cross-linking Density MRI System Analyzer for Polymer
Product Description
Combined with the sample temperature control system, VTMR20-010V-T can control the environmental temperature to research change in physical properties of samples over a wide range of temperatures and rates of change. It can be used for food, energy, organic materials and other areas of research.

Basic Parameters:
  • Magnet type: permanent magnet
  • Magnetic field intensity: 0.5±0.08T
  • Probe coil: Ø10mm
  • Sample temperature range: 35-150℃
  • .Size (L x W x H): 1400mm×670mm×1070mm
  • Weight: 330Kg

-Determination of crosslink density of rubber and other polymers (Physical crosslinking , chemical crosslinking)
-Quality control of Polymer products
-Quality inspection of Polymer aging process
-Rubber vulcanization process and
Formulation research
-Determination of moisture content and moisture distribution in the solid matrix
-Curing and aging process characterization for Thermosetting resin
-Determination of the activation energy for Thermosetting resin
-Environmental response material transformation process of hydrophilic and hydrophobic
-Composites multiphase system compatibility
-Crystallization kinetics -Block copolymer hard / soft segment Content molecular motion study
-Determination for fluorine content
-Determination for rubber content and plasticizer in the polymer
-Rubber micro fractures, 2D crosslinking density uniformity


PQ001 Solid Fat Content Analyzer System for Food & Agriculture

This book covers new techniques in protein NMR, from basic principles to state-of-the-art research. It covers a spectrum of topics ranging from a toolbox for how sequence-specific resonance assignments can be obtained using a suite of 2D and 3D NMR experiments and tips on how overlap problems can be overcome. Further topics include the novel applications of Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization methods (DNP), assessing protein structure, and aspects of solid-state NMR of macroscopically aligned membrane proteins.
This book is an ideal resource for students and researchers in the fields of biochemistry, chemistry, and pharmacology and NMR physics. Comprehensive and intuitively structured, this book examines protein NMR and new novel applications that include the latest technological advances.
This book also has the features of:
A selection of various applications and cutting-edge advances, such as novel applications of Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization methods (DNP) and a suite of 2D and 3D NMR experiments and tips on how overlap problems can be overcome
A pedagogical approach to the methodology
Engaging the reader and student with a clear, yet critical presentation of the applications
PQ001 Solid Fat Content Analyzer System for Food & Agriculture
Product Description
The PQ001 SFC NMR Analyzer was launched in 2008. After years of upgrading, PQ001 has many advantages such as small size, high precision, good repeatability, good stability and excellent cost/benefit performance. Based on these advantages, PQ001 has been widely used in the determination of Solid Fat Content.

Basic Parameters:
  • Magnet: permanent magnet
  • Magnetic field intensity: 0.5±0.08T
  • Probe: Ø10mm
  • Size (L x W x H): 1685mm×520mm×386mm;
  • Weight: 134Kg;

  • Determination of solid fat content(Cocoa butter, Margarine and butter etc.)


Applications of NMR Spectroscopy, Volume 1

Applications of NMR Spectroscopy, Volume 1, originally published by Bentham and now distributed by Elsevier, presents the latest developments in the field of NMR spectroscopy, including the analysis of edible oils and lipid content in foods, the role of NMR spectroscopy in the human metabolomics and the diagnosis of autism-related disorders, protein-protein interactions, and NMR spectroscopy of chiral molecules.
The fully illustrated chapters contain comprehensive references to the recent literature. The applications presented cover a wide range of the field, such as drug development, medical imaging and diagnostics, food science, mining, petrochemical, process control, materials science, and chemical engineering, making this resource a multi-disciplinary reference with broad applications.
The content is ideal for readers who are seeking reviews and updates, as it consolidates scientific articles of a diverse nature into a single volume. Sections are organized based on disciplines, such as food science and medical diagnostics. Each chapter is written by eminent experts in the field.
Consolidates the latest developments in NMR spectroscopy into a single volume
Authored and edited by world-leading experts in spectroscopy
Features comprehensive references to the most recent related literature
More than 75 illustrations aid in the retention of key concepts
PQ001 Oil Moisture Content NMR Analyzer for Seeds
Product Description
The PQ001 NMR Analyzer was launched in 2008. After years of upgrading, PQ001 has many advantages such as small size, high precision, good repeatability, good stability and excellent cost/benefit performance. Based on these advantages, PQ001 has been widely used in the determination of oil & moisture content in food & agriculture areas.

Basic Parameters
  • Magnet type: permanent magnet
  • Magnetic field intensity: 0.28±0.05T
  • Probe coil: Ø40mm
  • Size (LxWxH): 1685mm×520mm×386mm
  • Weight: 85Kg